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in absolute cash terms
in absolute terms
in arrears
in bond 
in charge 
in custody of firm
in debt 
in default 
in denomination of…
in kind
in line with
in line with international practices 
in liquidation 
in money terms 
in net terms
in nominal terms 
in real terms
in relative terms
in terms of value-added 
in the money 
in transit 
in value terms 
inactive account 
inactive market
inactive securities
inactive warrant 
inadmitted asset 
in-and-out cards 
inavoidable cost
incentive payment 
incentive scheme
incentive stock option
incentive wages
in-charge accountant 
inchoate instrument 
incidental expenses 
incidental outlay
income(loss)by product
income account
income after deductions 
income after taxes 
income and expenditure account
income approach
income approach to fair market value 
income band
income before interest and tax 
income before tax 
Income Bonds
income collected in advance
income concept
income deduction
income derived beneficially
income distribution 
income distribution account
income from continuing operations 
income from discontinued operations 
income from employment
income from investments
income from operations
income fund 
income gap 
income gearing 
income gearing ratio 
income generating unit
income group 
income investing 
income level
income limit
income payment
income per share 
income property
income quality
income realization
income shares 
income smoothing
income spectrum 
income standard
income statement 
income statement accounts
income statement and balance sheet columns 
income statement approach
income statement audit 
income statement budgets 
income statement with earnings per share 
income stock
income summary 
income summary account 
income tax
income tax allowance
income tax authority 
income tax benefit 
income tax credit 
income tax deductions
income tax exemption 
income tax expense(or benefit) 
income tax form
income tax law
income tax liability 
income tax month
income tax on enterprises
Income tax payable
income tax refund receivable 
income tax return
income tax surcharge
income tax withholding 
income threshold
income to net worth ratio
income units
incoming auditors 
incompatible duties 
incomplete records
incomplete return
incomplete transaction 
inconvertible currency
incorporated accountant
incorporated company 
incorporated public officer
incorporation of audit firms 
incorrect acceptance 
incorrect rejection 
incorrect return
increasing cost 
increment tax
incremental analysis 
incremental budgeting
incremental budget
incremental cost 
incremental increase
incremental scale
incremental value 
incremental yield 
incurred cost 
indemnity clause
Independence Standard Board[ISB] 
independent accountant 
independent audit
independent auditor 
independent auditors’report
independent company
independent contractor
independent estimate
independent financial adviser 
independent legal entities
independent projects
independent taxation
independent trader,independent shop
Independent variable
indirect expenses,indirect costs
index bond
index card 
index fund
index futures 
index futures contract
index letter
index number
index number of consumer price 
index number of stock price
index number trend series
index of average land values
index of company names
index of cost of living
index of industrial production 
index of retail price
index of social progress
index option
index tracker
index warrant
indexed bond
indexed pension 
indexed performance 
indexed portfolio 
index-linked benefit 
index-linked gilt
Indian Overseas Bank 
indicating standard factory overhead rate 
indicative price
indicator of inflation
indifference curve
indirect arbitrage 
indirect charge
indirect controller
indirect cost
indirect duty
indirect expenses 
indirect hours 
indirect investment
indirect labor 
indirect labor cost 
indirect liability
indirect material
indirect material cost
indirect method
indirect method cash flow statement
indirect rate 
indirect shareholding 
indirect tax
indirect taxation 
individual claim
individual clearing member
individual concern
individual consumption
individual depreciation
individual economy
individual enterprise 
individual income 
individual income tax 
individual income tax return 
individual investment
individual investment adviser
individual labour 
individual operation 
individual ownership
individual proprietorship
individual retirement account[IRA] 
Individual Savings Accounts[ISA]
individual tax
Indonesian Rupiah 
Indover Asia Limited
inductive accounting theory
industrial accident reserve
industrial accounting 
industrial and commercial consolidated tax
industrial arbitration tribunal
industrial building allowance 
industrial development bond
industrial policy
industrial property 
industrial revolution
industrial tribunal
industrials sectorial index
Industry Audit Guide 
industry ratios 
industry segment 
inefficient operation
inelastic demand
inelastic supply 
ineligible bills
ineligible for appointment 
inflationary implication
inflation-related adjustment
inflow of fund 
informal record
information benefit
information disclosure 
information hedge
information return
information theory
inherent risk
initial allocation
initial audit
initial capital outlay
initial cash allocation
initial charges
initial communication
initial conversion premium 
initial credit balance
initial forecast 
initial funding 
initial input 
initial inventory
initial listing fee 
initial stage 
initial subscription price
initial term 
inland country
inland freight charges 
inland industry 
inland note 
inland postage 
inland province
Inland Revenue
Inland Revenue Commissioner 
inner reserve
input channel 
input control 
input cost
input device 
input lead
input tax 
input value 
input-output analysis 
input-output model 
input-output ratio
inquiry office 
inscribed stock
insertion order
inside buying 
inside director 
inside information
insider dealer 
insider dealing
Insider Dealing Tribunal
insider information
insider trading 
insider worker
insolvency administration
insolvency officer
insolvency practitioner
insolvent company 
inspection certificate
inspection of assets
inspection stamp
inspector general
inspector of tax 
instability index of earnings 
installation expenses
installment account 
installment accounts receivable
installment bond 
installment cost of goods sold
installment debt 
installment method(of revenue recognition) 
installment sale 
installment sales revenue
instalment system
instant tender 
Institute of Certified Financial Planners 
Institute of Certified Public Accountants 
Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales[ICAEW] 
Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts 
Institute of Internal Auditors
Institute of Management Accountants
Institute of Management Accounting
institutional accounting 
Institutional Brokers’Estimate System[IBES]
institutional fund 
institutional fund industry
institutional investor
institutional lender
institutional reform 
instrument of exchange
instrument of indebtedness
instrument of proxy
instrument of transfer 
insufficient funds
insurable earnings
insurable interest 
Insurance Advisory Committee
insurance agent
insurance authority
insurance broker
insurance business
insurance claim 
insurance company 
insurance contract
insurance cover
insurance coverage 
insurance debt 
insurance expense
insurance fund
insurance industry
insurance intermediary
Insurance Law 
insurance officer 
insurance policy 
insurance premium 
insurance premium tax
insurance transaction
intangible asset
intangible benefit 
intangible capital
intangible property 
intangible value 
integrated accounting system 
integrated accounts
integrated data processing
integrated financial model
integrated test facility
integration of world economy
intellectual capital 
intellectual property rights
intended dividend
intended users 
intending borrower 
intending purchaser 
intensive economy
inter vivos trust
Inter-American Accounting Association
inter-bank borrowing
inter-bank deposits 
inter-bank fund transfer
inter-bank liquidity 
inter-bank loan
inter-bank market
inter-bank money market 
inter-bank offered rate
inter-bank payment system
inter-bank rates
inter-bank settlement system
inter-branch account
inter-company account 
inter-company comparison
inter-company dealings/inter-company transactions
inter-company elimination
inter-company income
inter-company profit
inter-company transactions
inter-departmental account
inter-dependency concept
interest accrued 
interest arbitrage
interest bearing investment 
interest bearing note 
interest charges
interest collected in advance
interest coupon
interest cover
interest coverage
interest coverage ratio
interest dates 
interest expense 
interest free deposit 
interest free loan 
interest group 
interest in contract 
interest in expectancy
interest in immovable property
interest in securities
interest in shares
interest income 
interest method
interest on capital 
interest on investment
interest on loan 
interest on overdraft
interest on principal
interest on unpaid estate duty
Interest Only[IO]
interest paid in advance 
interest payment 
interest payment allowance
interest rate
interest rate agreement 
interest rate cap 
interest rate ceiling
interest rate contract 
interest rate derivative
interest rate differential
interest rate effect 
interest rate floor 
interest rate futures
interest rate guarantee
interest rate margin
interest rate mismatching 
interest rate on deposits
interest rate parity 
interest rate risk 
interest rate swap
interest rate swap agreement
interest rate trend
interest receivable account
interest revenue
interest sensitive
interest spread 
interest tax 
interest withholding tax
interest yield 
interest-bearing account
interest-bearing balance 
interest-bearing deposits 
interest-bearing securities 
interested party
interest-free credit or loan 
interest-free fund 
interest-free loan fund 
interest-in-possession trust
interest-rate cuts 
interest-rate reductions
inter-exchange dealing 
interfund loan
intergovernmental loan
interim adjustment grant
interim allowance 
interim audit
interim audit procedures
interim certificate 
interim deed
interim dividend
interim financial statement
interim payment 
interim receiver
interim report
interim valuation 
interlocking accounts
interlocking directorate
intermediary agency
intermediary bank
intermediary commerce 
intermediary market
intermediate body
intermediate consumption
intermediate debt 
intermediate goods 
intermediate holding company 
intermediate income
intermediate input 
intermediate product
intermediate term credit
intermediation cost
internal accounting
internal accounting control
internal acquisition team
internal audit 
internal audit department,internal auditor 
internal audit division
internal auditing
internal auditor
internal check
internal control 
Internal Control Evaluation Questionnaires
internal control of fixed assets
internal control questionnaires
internal control risk
internal control structure
internal control system
internal control weakness
internal cost price structure
internal documents 
internal equilibrium
internal failure cost 
internal financing 
internal growth 
internal growth rate
internal models approach
internal rate of return
Internal Rate of Return[IRR] 
internal rate of return method
internal reporting
internal revenue
internal revenue code
Internal Revenue Service
internal review assignment
internal trade
internal trade 
internal transaction 
internal transfer price
internal users 
internal-oriented economy
international accounting
International Accounting Standards Board
International Accounting Standards Committee
International Accounting Standards[IAS] 
international acquisition
international audit and assurance standards board 
International Auditing Guidelines
international auditing practice statements
International Auditing Practices Committee[IAPC] 
International Auditing Standard
international balance of payment
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 
International Bank of Asia Ltd
International Bank of Taipei 
international bidding
international bond
international bond market 
international capital market
international competitive ability 
international conglomerate
international consortium of bank
international corporation
international credit
international depositary receipt
International Development Association
international development bank
international double tax
international economic integration 
international economic order
international events fund
International Federation of Accountants
international finance
international finance center
International Finance Corporation[IFC]
international financial market 
international fund 
international investment 
international investor
international loans 
international market
international monetary crisis 
International Monetary Fund[IMF]
international monetary market 
international monetary system
international money management
international monopoly
international multilateral loans
International Organization for Securities Commissions
International Organization for Standardization 
international payment system
international practices
international securities 
international settlement 
international tax 
international trade
international transaction
international transfer price 
International Trust & Investment Corp. 
internationalization of accounting
internationalization of capital
internet banking
interperiod tax allocation
interrelated factor
intervention by government 
intervention currency 
intervention level
intervention mechanism
intervention price 
intestate succission
in-the-money option 
intracompany comparison 
intra-day low 
intra-day margin call 
intra-day repurchase agreement
intrinsic value 
introducing agent 
introducing broker 
introduction of foreign capital
introduction of foreign technology
introductory offer
introductory paragraph
inventory account 
inventory accounting
inventory analysis 
inventory at lower of cost or market
inventory control 
inventory control system
inventory cost 
inventory cost flow assumption
inventory costing methods
inventory costing methods under periodic system
inventory costing,retail method of
inventory errors on financial statements
inventory financing
inventory flow assumption 
inventory holding gain or loss
inventory ledger
inventory overages and shortages
Inventory profits 
inventory shortage and spoilage
inventory shrinkage 
inventory system 
inventory tag
inventory turnover
inventory turnover ratio
inventory valuation 
inventory variation 
inverse floating rate note 
inverted market
invested capital 
investing activities 
investing strategies
investment abroad
investment account
investment advice
investment advisor
investment advisory contract 
investment allowance
investment analysis
investment analyst 
investment and trust company
investment appraisal 
investment arrangement 
Investment Bank[IB]
investment basis
investment center 
investment client
investment climate 
investment club
investment company 
Investment Company Act of 1940
investment company/investment trust
investment decision 
investment demand 
investment diversification 
investment expenditure
investment expense
investment fund
investment grade
investment grant
investment guarantee
investment holding 
investment in capital construction
investment in enterprise
investment in fixed assets
investment in outside unit
investment in real estate 
investment in securities
investment in stock
investment income
investment income recognized under equity method
investment intention
investment loss 
investment loss recognized under equity method
investment management
Investment Management Association 
investment manager 
investment on bonds 
investment on stocks
investment performance
investment plan 
investment pool 
investment portfolio 
investment promotion
investment properties
investment property
Investment proposals
investment representative 
investment research
investment return 
investment revaluation reserve
investment risk mechanism
investment scheme 
investment software
investment strategy 
investment target selection criteria
investment tax credit
investment trust
investment turnover
investment value
investment vehicle
investment-linked savings plan
investor compensation fund
investor protection
investor relations
investor resources centre
investors and the stock market
invisible assets 
invisible capital 
invisible earnings 
invisible exports
invisible hand
invisible imports 
invisible loss 
invisible supply 
invisible trade 
invitation for bid
invite bid 
invoice amount
invoice clerk
invoice discounting
invoice price 
invoice register 
invoicing department
involuntary bankruptcy
involuntary conversions
inward bill 
inward cash flow 
inward documentary bill 
inward investment
inward mission
inward remittance
in-year management 