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j curve
job analysis 
job card
job center 
job classification 
job cost 
job costing 
job costing system 
job creation scheme 
job description
job evaluation
job lot
job number 
job opportunity
job order costing 
job satisfaction 
job security 
job sheet 
job shop
job specification
jobber trade
jobbing business 
jobbing system
jobless rate
joint account 
joint administration 
joint adventure
joint and several liabilities
joint and several note
joint assessment
joint audit 
joint bond 
joint committee 
joint contract
joint costs 
joint creditor 
joint debt
joint debtor
joint enterprise 
joint estate
joint estates account
joint funding scheme
joint global coordinator 
joint holder
joint liability
joint liquidator 
joint loan 
joint management
joint monitoring unit
joint owned property 
joint owner 
joint ownership
joint petition
joint product 
joint property
joint rate
joint return 
joint statement
joint stock
joint stock association
joint stock company
joint stock partnership 
joint stock system
joint tenancy
joint tenant
joint total income 
joint venture 
joint venture account 
joint venture agreement
joint venture contract
joint-life annuity 
jointly operated mines 
joint-stock bank
joint-stock company 
journal account 
journal and ledger 
journal entries for a process cost system
journal entry
Journal of Accountancy 
Journal of Finance
journal voucher 
journalizing and posting