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Maastricht Treaty
Macau Pataca[MOP]
machine-hour method
machine-hour rate 
machinery-revaluation increments 
machinery and equipment
macro accounting 
macro assessment 
macro market trend 
macroeconomic adjustment and control measure
macroeconomic conditions
macroeconomic equilibrium 
macroeconomic implication
macroeconomic level 
macroeconomic management
macroeconomic policy
macroeconomic variable 
Madrid Stock Exchange[MSE]
magnetic card 
magnetic character reading/magnetic ink character recognition 
magnetic strip
mail remittance
mail transfer[MT]
mail transfer advice
mail transfer rate
mail-order selling
main account
main books
mainstream corporation tax
maintaining capital in units of money 
maintenance and repair
maintenance costs 
maintenance fee 
maintenance grant 
maintenance margin
maintenance of adequate capital 
maintenance of operating capacity
maintenance of physical capital 
major client 
major Hang Seng Index constituent stock
major shareholder
major trading partner 
major transaction 
majority interest
majority shareholder
majority shareholder controller
majority shareholding
Makati Stock Exchange[MKSE] 
make up
make-or-buy decision
make-ready time 
make-up depreciation
make-up pay 
Malayan Banking Berhad[Maybank] 
malpractice insurance 
managed cost
managed float regime
managed fund
managed rate
managed receivables
management accountant
management accounting 
management accounts
management advisory services
management audit
management bank
management buy-in[MBI]
management buy-out[MBO]
management by objectives[MBO]
management consultant 
management fraud
management integrity
management letter 
management norm
management of public finance
management of public utility-type undertakings
management overhead 
management override 
management reporting system
management representation letter 
management representations
management response thereto
management share 
management’s illegal act
manager of property
managerial accounting
manager’s share
managing trustee
mandatory bid 
mandatory general offer
mandatory offer
Mandatory Provident Fund Office
Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme
Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority(MPFA)
Manila Stock Exchange[MSE]
manipulation of accounts
manual tag system
manufacturing account
manufacturing and services-based economy
manufacturing expenses allocation
manufacturing expenses variance 
manufacturing overhead-outsourced
manufacturing statement
MarchéàTerme International de France[MATIF]
Marchéd’Options Négociables de Paris[MONEP] 
margin account 
margin client
margin trading
marginal buyer
marginal cost 
marginal effect 
marginal income
marginal income ratio
marginal productivity 
marginal revenue equals marginal cost
marginal tax band
marine insurance business 
marine risk
market anomaly
market body
market capitalization 
market charge
market closure
Market Development Division(Hong Kong Monetary Authority) 
market fluctuation 
market infrastructure 
market intermediary 
market malpractice
market median
market member
market of futures transaction
market on close[MOC] 
market orientation
market practitioner
market premium 
market price development
market rate of allowance
market rate of discount
market rigging 
market risk regime
market segment 
market statistics 
market surveillance policy
marketability security
marketability security management
marketable debt securities
marketable government debt 
marketable security 
market-determined price
market-disciplined economy
market-disciplined free-enterprise economy
marketing collateral 
marketing expense
marketing lever
market-making system 
market-oriented economy
market-sensitive information
marriage settlement
married person’s allowance
Mass Transit Fund
Mass Transit Railway Corporation note
match an order
matching system
material control
material cost difference
material cost variance
material inconsistency 
material inventory
material misstatement
material purchase allowances
material purchase returns
material requisition 
material risk
material subsidiary ledger
materiality principle 
materials and supplies in transit
mathematical reserve
matrix organization 
maturity date 
maturity mismatch profile
maturity mismatching arrangement
maturity mismatching of assets and liabilities
maturity yield
maximization of wealth
maximum amount
maximum benefit
maximum rate of interest 
Model Code for Securities Transactions by Directors of Listed Companies 
moderate growth
moderating trend
modern accounting
modern financial management
modified consumer price index[MCPI]
modified factor system 
modified reports 
monetary aggregate 
monetary and financial system
monetary arrangement
monetary discipline 
monetary gain or loss
monetary instrument 
monetary liability 
Monetary Policy Division(Hong Kong Monetary Authority)
monetary sector 
monetary situation 
monetary squeeze 
monetary stability
monetary unit assumption
monetized value 
money at call and at short notice
money base 
money capital
money capital maintenance concept
money income per capita
money lender’s license 
money lenders registry 
money lenders section(companies registry) 
money lending advertisement 
money lending transaction
money market 
money market certificate
money market fund[MMF]
money markets
money measurement postulate 
money of the day[MOD] 
money of the day equivalent 
money order 
money out on mortgage
money owed 
money payable on demand
money rates
money stock 
money supply 
money wage
money wage rate
Money World Asia Exhibition,Hong Kong 
money zero maturity[MZM]
money’s worth
monitor program 
monitoring procedure
Monopolies and Mergers Commission
monopolistic competition
monopoly profit
Monte Carlo method
monthly balance
monthly balance sheet
Monthly Market Statistics 
monthly rated
monthly statement
Monthly Statistical Bulletin(Hong Kong Monetary Authority) 
monthly ticket 
monthly turnover
Montreal Stock Exchange 
Moody’s Investors Services,Inc.
Moody’s rating 
moral claim
moral hazard
moratory interest
more sophisticated economy
Morgan Stanley Capital International Hong Kong Index[MSCI Hong Kong Index] 
mortgage arrangement
mortgage banker
mortgage bond 
mortgage broker 
mortgage clause
mortgage debenture 
mortgage debenture stock 
mortgage deed
mortgage default guarantee 
mortgage facility 
mortgage famine
mortgage finance
mortgage interest 
mortgage interest deduction 
mortgage interest relief scheme 
mortgage interest subsidy scheme 
mortgage loan 
mortgage market
mortgage money 
mortgage note
mortgage payable 
mortgage payments
mortgage queue
mortgage rate
mortgage relief
mortgage securitization 
mortgage security 
mortgage terms
mortgage-backed security[MBS]
mortgaged property
mortgagee in possession
mother fund
Motor Insurers’Bureau of Hong Kong 
motor vehicle first registration tax
motor vehicle insurance business
motor vehicle tax 
movable property 
move within a narrow range
movement of market rent 
moving average
moving average inventory method