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near monopoly 
Nedcor Asia Limited 
negative factor
negative investment
negative leverage
negative pledge clause
negative yield curve
negotiable bill of lading
negotiable certificate of deposit[NCD] 
negotiable check
negotiable debt instrument 
negotiable instrument
negotiable letter of credit
negotiable order of withdrawal 
negotiable paper 
negotiable securities
negotiated underwriting
negotiating bank 
nest egg 
net additional allowance 
net admissible assets
net aggregate value of an estate 
net amount
net assessable income
net assessable value 
net asset basis
net asset value[NAV] 
net asset value per share
net assets 
net assets increase
net avails 
net balance 
net balance of capital movement 
net book value
net borrower 
net borrowings
net capital
net capital outflow 
net carrying amount 
net cash balance
net cash flow[NCF]
net cash flow from financing activities
net cash flow from investing activities
net cash flow from operating activities 
net chargeable income 
net claims paid 
net clearing balance 
net commission payable 
net cost 
net credit sales 
net currency translation difference
net current assets
net current liabilities 
net cycle time
net debt 
net deficit 
net dividend per share
net domestic product
net earnings 
net equity 
net errors and omissions 
net estate
net exchange loss
net exports
net external balance
net favorable balance 
net flow of fund
net income
net income or loss for current period 
net income to sales ratio
net income to total assets ratio
net indebtedness 
net interest
net interest margin
net interest paid
net investment in foreign entities 
net investment income
net liabilities
net liquid assets
net operating income[NOI] 
net operating profit
net payment
net present value[NPV]
net present value index 
net price
net profit after taxation 
net realizable value[NRV]
net residual value 
net residue
net savings
net spot foreign currency position
net tangible assets
net transfer to fund
net underwriting commitment
net unfavorable balance
net working capital[NWC]
net-to-gross ratio
network graph 
new commitment
new commodity
new grant
new issue of shares
new plant and equipment expenditures 
New York Cotton Exchange[NYCE] 
New York Futures Exchange[NYFE]
New York Mercantile Exchange[NYMEX] 
New York Stock Exchange[NYSE] 
New Zealand dollar[NZD]
New Zealand Futures and Options Exchange
New Zealand Stock Exchange
next day net settlement system
no credit 
no funds 
no par value stock
no-loss level 
nominal account 
nominal amount
nominal capital 
nominal consideration
nominal earnings
nominal element
nominal increase
nominal interest rate 
nominal ledger
nominal price 
nominal quote 
nominal share capital
nominal value 
nominal wage 
nominal yield 
nominee account
non-adjusting events 
non-appropriated retained earnings
non-articulated concept 
non-bank investor
non-banking sector
non-bankruptcy certificate 
non-business day
non-capitalization weighted index 
non-cash acquisition
non-cash assets
non-cash item
non-certificated share 
non-clearing member 
non-conforming tender 
non-consumption item
non-contributory pension plan 
non-controllable cost
non-convertible bond
non-convertible currency 
non-cumulative preferred stock 
non-cumulative redeemable preference share 
non-current asset register
non-dealing partner
non-deductible expense 
non-depreciable asset 
non-discretionary account
non-distributable reserve 
non-diversifiable risk 
non-executive director 
non-interest-bearing certificate of indebtedness
non-interest-bearing debt securities 
non-interest-bearing note 
non-investment-linked life insurance policy
non-ledger assets 
non-liquid form of deposit
non-listed company
non-member shareholder 
non-monetary asset 
non-monetary gold 
non-monetary liability 
non-monetary transaction
non-negotiable bill of lading
non-negotiable instrument 
non-negotiable non-interest-bearing promissory note 
non-notice audit 
non-operating asset 
non-operating cash flows
non-operating company
non-operating expense
non-operating income
non-operating revenue 
non-performing asset
non-performing loan[NPL]
non-production overhead cost
non-productive labor
non-profit accounting 
non-profit organization 
non-profit-distributing body
non-profit-making organization
non-proportional treaty 
non-public corporation 
non-public information
non-realizable savings
non-recourse debt 
non-recourse finance
non-recurrent cost
non-recurrent expenditure
non-recurrent grant
non-recurrent revenue
non-recurring change 
non-recurring charge
non-recurring gain or loss
non-recurring income 
non-recurring items 
non-resident corporation 
non-resident institution
non-routine decision 
non-sampling risk
non-statutory audits
non-stock corporation
non-sufficient funds[NSF]
non-tariff barriers
non-taxable income 
non-trade creditor
non-unit liabilities
non-voting share 
non-works capital expenditure
Nordic Investment Bank[NIB] 
norm cost control system
normal balance
normal cost 
normal distribution 
normal expenditure 
normal fidelity insurance
normal hours
normal income 
normal loss 
normal return 
normal spoilage 
normal value 
normalized form
Norwegian Krone[NOK] 
nose dive 
not negotiable 
not sufficient funds check
not trading for profit 
notary public 
note issuance facility 
note of hand
note register
notes payable 
notes receivable
notes receivable discounted
notes to the accounts
not-for-profit organization 
notice of assessment
notice of deficiency 
notice of dishonor 
notional cost 
notional income
notional rent