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abandoned assets
abandoned lease cost
abandoned property
abandoned vessel
abandonment charges
abandonment clause
abandonment decision
abandonment loss
abandonment of contract
abandonment of obsolete products
abandonment of ship
abandonment of voyage
abandonment stage
abandonment value 
abate a price
abatement claim
abatement cost
abatement of tax
abbreviated accounts 
abbreviated financial statement
ABC analysis
ABC classification
ABC control system
ABC method of analysis
ABC system
ABC transaction
ABC universal commercial telegraphic code 
ABCD budget making
aberration curve 
ABFM Charter and Bylaw
ABFM Publication
ABI Membership
ABI Mission
ABI World
abide by contract
ability to bear criterion
ability to borrow overseas 
ability to receive orders
ability to repay in foreign exchange 
ability to service debt
ability-to-pay basis 
ability-to-pay principal of taxation
ability-to-pay principal 
ability-to-pay taxation
abnormal cost
abnormal curve
abnormal depreciation 
abnormal discount
abnormal exchange
abnormal gains 
abnormal item
abnormal loss 
abnormal market 
abnormal obsolescence
abnormal profit
abnormal retirement
abnormal return
abnormal risk
abnormal shrinkage
abnormal spoilage
abnormal waste
abnormal yield curve
abolishment of obligatory payments
aboriginal cost
abortive enterprise
about or circa 
above full carry market
above norm
above normal profit
above par issue
above par 
above quota
above the line
above-target profit
above-the-line expenditure 
above-the-line receipt
abridged accounts 
abrogation of agreement
absconding debtor 
absence of consideration
absence of serial correlation 
absence rate 
absentee owner 
absentee ownership
absolute acceptance 
absolute advantage theory
absolute advantage
absolute amount
absolute cash flow
absolute change
absolute contract 
absolute conveyance 
absolute cost advantage 
absolute cost
absolute cover
absolute endorsement
absolute expenditure
absolute fixed capital
absolute fixed cost
absolute guideline figure
absolute income hypothesis
absolute income 
absolute increment
absolute index
absolute insolvency
absolute interest 
absolute liability
absolute monopoly
absolute order of discharge 
absolute order to pay
absolute ownership 
absolute par of exchange 
absolute physical life 
absolute poverty
absolute price 
absolute priority
absolute probability
absolute quota
absolute rent
absolute revenue
absolute sales
absolute symmetric function
absolute title 
absolute total loss
absolute value
absolute wage cost
absolutely vested interest 
absorbed burden
absorbed cost
absorbed indirect cost
absorbed manufacturing expense
absorbed overhead
absorption account 
absorption costing 
absorption of corporate bonds
absorption of deposits 
absorption of fund
absorption of government bonds
absorption of spilling stocks
absorption of surplus funds
absorption pricing 
absorption rate
absorption standard costing
absorption-form income statement 
abstinence theory of interest
abstract book
abstract ledger
abstract of account
abstract of financial statement
abstract of posting
abstract of title 
abuse of tax shelter
abuse of trust
abusive tax shelter
academic consultants
ACAUS Membership
ACB Finance Limited
accelerated accumulation
accelerated amortization
accelerated capital recovery system
accelerated cost recovery system
accelerated debt maturity
accelerated depreciation
accelerated inflation
accelerated loan commitment
accelerated payment 
accelerating bonus plan
accelerating premium
acceleration clause
accept a claim
accept at a special price
accept bills 
accept business at a special
accept to pay
acceptable accounting principal
acceptable auditing risk
acceptable failure rate 
acceptable form of reciprocity
acceptable paper 
acceptable price
acceptable principle
acceptable quality level 
acceptable rate 
acceptable reliability level
acceptable units
acceptance agreement 
acceptance and rejection 
acceptance and settlement
acceptance bank 
acceptance bill with two bank names
acceptance bill 
acceptance business 
acceptance by intervention
acceptance certificate
acceptance charge
acceptance check 
acceptance commission
acceptance contract
acceptance credit 
acceptance declaration
acceptance fee 
acceptance financing 
acceptance for honor 
acceptance house
acceptance in blank
acceptance inspection
acceptance ledger 
acceptance letter of credit 
acceptance liability
acceptance line 
acceptance market
acceptance maturity 
acceptance of bribes
acceptance of current deposits
acceptance of draft
acceptance of engagement 
acceptance of the bid
acceptance on security 
acceptance payable
acceptance period
acceptance rate
acceptance receivable
acceptance register
acceptance sampling
acceptance supra protest
acceptance-type financing
accept-decline decision 
accepted bill
accepted check
accepted letter of credit
acceptor for honor
accept-reject decision
access control 
access privilege
access time 
accession rate
accession tax
accessory contract
accident and health benefits 
Accident Insurance Association of Hong Kong
accident insurance scheme
accident insurance
accident year basis
accidental cost
accidental loss
accommodating bank
accommodating capital movement
accommodating financial transaction
accommodation allowance
accommodation bill of lading
accommodation bill
accommodation charge
accommodation check 
accommodation draft 
accommodation endorsement
accommodation note
accommodation party 
accommodation purchase
accommodation trading 
accompanying document
accompanying note
accompanying statement
accord and satisfaction
account adjustment
account agency
account analysis 
account and secretary
account as recorded in a ledger
account balance 
account bil
account bodies
account book
account chart 
account classification
account clerk
account closing method 
account code 
account collected in advance 
account control
account credit
account current book
account day
account debtor
account department
account distribution 
account due on consignment-out
account due on sale on approval 
account due
account form
account heading
account in arrear 
account in transit 
account in trust 
account item
account manual
account note
account number
account of after-acquired property
account of cash 
account of defaulter
account payable
account payee only
account receivable
account sales
account statement 
account title
accountability concept
accountability unit 
accountable condition 
accountable officer 
accountable warrant 
accountant general
accountant in charge 
accountant’s compilation report
accountant’s database 
accountant’s department
accountant’s lien
accountant’s report
accountants for the public interest 
Accountants International Study Group[AISG]
accountant’s legal liability 
accountant’s liability
accountant’s magazine
Accountant’s Report Rules
accountant’s responsibility
Accountants World 
Accounting Aid Society
accounting and auditing hotline
accounting and auditing procedure
Accounting Arrangements
accounting association
accounting assumption
accounting basis
accounting by Official Receiver
accounting change
Accounting Circular
accounting class 
accounting classification 
accounting cluster
accounting computer 
accounting concept 
accounting consultant
accounting consultation
accounting control
accounting convention 
accounting corporation
accounting cost
accounting criteria 
accounting cushion
accounting cycle
accounting data
accounting date 
accounting degree
accounting depreciation
accounting directives
accounting disclosure 
accounting diversity
accounting doctrine
accounting document
accounting Education Web 
accounting elements
accounting encyclopedia
accounting entity theory 
accounting entity 
accounting entry
accounting equation
accounting error
accounting estimate 
accounting ethics 
accounting event
accounting evidence
accounting exposure
accounting fields 
accounting files
accounting firm merger
accounting firm
accounting for bond
accounting for money
accounting fraud 
accounting function
accounting guide 
Accounting Hall of Fame
accounting harmonization
Accounting Historians Journal 
accounting history
accounting identity
accounting in business 
accounting in charge
accounting income
Accounting Information System[AIS] 
accounting information
accounting internationalization
The Journal of Accounting
accounting legislation
accounting manager 
accounting manual
accounting measurement
accounting methods
accounting model 
accounting net income flow
accounting network
accounting noise
accounting objective
accounting officer
accounting period concept
accounting period assumption
accounting period
accounting plan 
accounting policy
accounting practice
accounting principle
Accounting Principles Board[APB]
accounting principles for business enterprise
accounting procedures
accounting profession organization
accounting profession
accounting profit 
accounting rate of return
accounting ratio
accounting record 
accounting reference date 
accounting reference period
accounting reform 
accounting regulation 
accounting report
Accounting Research Bulletins[ARB] 
accounting research network 
Accounting Review 
accounting rules 
accounting scandal
Accounting Series Release[ASRS]
accounting service
Accounting Society of China 
accounting software package 
accounting software 
accounting standard
accounting standardization 
Accounting Standards Board
Accounting Standards Committee
accounting statement
accounting system
accounting systems for payroll
accounting technician
accounting terminology 
accounting textbook publisher
accounting theory
accounting thought
accounting transaction
accounting treatment 
accounting treatments of contingent liabilities
Accounting Trend and Techniques
accounting unit
accounting valuation
accounting WEB 
accounting year
accounts payable subsidiary ledger
accounts payable to sales
accounts payable
accounts receivable aging schedule
accounts receivable analysis 
accounts receivable assigned 
accounts receivable collection period
accounts receivable discounted 
accounts receivable financing
accounts receivable management 
accounts receivable turnover
accounts receivable
accounts stated
accounts title
Accredit Council for Accountancy and Taxation 
accredit value
accredited business accountant 
accredited business valuation professional 
accredited investors 
accredited valuation analyst
accretive acquisition 
accrual accounting 
accrual basis accounting
accrual basis
accrual concept 
accrual date
accrual expense
accrued account 
accrued asset
accrued benefit
accrued charges
accrued cumulative preference share dividend 
accrued depreciation 
accrued dividend 
accrued expenses payable
accrued expenses
accrued income 
accrued interest on bonds
accrued interest on investment 
accrued interest payable
accrued interest receivable
accrued interest 
accrued items 
accrued liabilities for land value increment tax 
accrued liabilities 
accrued payable
accrued payroll
accrued pension liabilities 
accrued profit
accrued rent payable 
accrued revenue
accrued right
accrued taxes payable-other 
accrued taxes
accrued VAT payable 
accrued wages
accruing profit 
accumulated amortization
accumulated amount
accumulated benefit obligation
accumulated depreciation
accumulated dividend
accumulated earnings tax
accumulated earnings
accumulated fiscal reserve
accumulated funds 
accumulated net income
accumulated other comprehensive income 
accumulated profit 
accumulated reserve 
accumulating capital 
accumulating losses
accumulation account
accumulation factor
accumulation of surplus income 
accumulation shares
accumulation trust 
accumulative dividends
accurate presentation 
ACFE Anti-Fraud Program 
ACFE Examination
ACFE Membership 
acid ratio 
acid-test ratio
acknowledgement of debt 
acknowledgement of order
acknowledgement of receipt
acquired assets 
acquired company 
acquired surplus 
acquiring enterprise 
acquisition accounting
acquisition agreement
acquisition approach
acquisition cost
acquisition criteria 
acquisition debt 
acquisition decision
acquisition excess
acquisition expenses 
acquisition of control
acquisition of fixed assets
acquisition of shell
acquisition premium
acquisition price
acquisition process 
acquisition program
acquisition surplus 
acquisition value
across-the-board cut
across-the-board price change 
across-the-board tariff change
across-the-board wage increase 
Act of Bankruptcy 
Act of God Bond
act of God 
acting partner 
active account 
active assets
active bond crowd 
active bond 
active capital
active income
active investing
active management
active market
active partner
active risk
active securities
active trading
active trust 
activity account 
activity accounting
activity analysis
activity attributes
activity base product cost calculations 
activity base usage quantities 
activity base(s)
activity based budgeting
activity based management
activity center
activity cost assignment
activity cost driver 
activity cost pool
activity cost 
activity dictionary
activity driver analysis
activity driver(s)
activity level
activity rates 
activity ratio 
activity sequence-sensitive
activity variance
activity-based costing[ABC] 
actual assets
actual capital
actual cash value
actual circulation
actual cost 
actual depreciation
actual expenditure
actual income 
actual loss
actual market
actual normal cost 
actual possession
actual price
actual profit 
actual quotation
actual rate
actual return
actual value
actual wage
actual year basis
actuarial analysis 
actuarial assumption
actuarial basis of accounting
actuarial cost method
actuarial gains
actuarial investigation
actuarial losses
actuarial principle 
actuarial report 
actuarial return
Actuarial Society of Hong Kong 
actuarial valuation 
ad referendum agreement
ad valorem duty system
ad valorem duty
ad valorem fee 
ad valorem tariff
ad valorem tax 
ad valorem
adaptive capacity
adaptive management
added hours
added value of industrial output 
added value statement
added value tax
added value 
additional allowance
additional amount for unexpired risk
additional assessable profit 
additional assessment
additional budget
additional charge
additional commitment
additional dependent parent allowance
additional depreciation
additional duty 
additional earnings
additional expense 
additional extended coverage
additional first-year depreciation
additional local tax 
additional mark on 
additional paid-in capital from investee under equity method
additional paid-in capital
additional premium
additional provision 
additional risk
additional stamp duty
additional subsidiary
Additional Tax Demand Note
additional tax 
additional wage
add-on interest
adequate amount of the money supply
adequate disclosure 
adequate gold and foreign exchange reserve 
adequate protection 
adjudged bankrupt
adjudicated bankrupt 
adjudication fee
adjudication of bankruptcy 
adjudication of insolvency
adjudication order 
adjunct account 
adjustable mortgage loan 
adjustable peg
adjustable rate preferred stock 
adjustable-rate bond 
adjustable-rate mortgage 
adjustable-rate mortgage
adjusted actual 
adjusted bank balance
adjusted base
adjusted book balance
adjusted book value 
adjusted cost base 
adjusted current assets 
adjusted figure
adjusted gross income
adjusted historical cost
adjusted income 
adjusted liabilities 
adjusted loss 
adjusted net admissible assets
adjusted net profit
adjusted present value 
adjusted profit 
adjusted surplus
adjusted trial balance columns 
adjusted trial balance
adjusted value
adjusting entries 
adjusting events 
adjusting process 
adjustment account 
adjustment bond 
adjustment center
adjustment lag 
adjustment mechanism 
adjustment of earning of prior years 
adjustment of exchange rate
adjustment of industrial structure 
adjustment of interest rate 
adjustment of loss
adjustment of price
adjustment process
adjustment range
adjustments columns 
adjustments to net income-indirect method
administered exchange rate 
administered price 
administration budget
administration cost
administration department
administration expenses
administration fee 
administration in bankruptcy
administration order
administrative accounting
administrative action 
administrative authority
administrative budget
administrative bureau of state-owned property
administrative bureau
administrative control 
administrative court
administrative district(area)
administrative divisions 
administrative expense 
administrative interference 
administrative law
administrative management
administrative measure
administrative official
administrative organization 
administrative penalty
administrator of the estate
admission of debt
admission of proof
advance account
advance bill 
advance charge 
advance compensation
advance corporation tax
advance financial accounting
advance from shareholder
advance funding 
advance payment guarantee
advance payment
advance pending reimbursement
advance receipts
advance received 
advance to employees
advance to partner
advance to suppliers
advance/decline index 
advanced economy 
advances from customers
advances warrant
adverse balance 
adverse opinion 
adverse variance
advertisement addressed to shareholders 
advertisement expense
advertising budget
advertising costs
advertising creative
advertising planning 
advertising-to-sales ratio 
advice for collection 
advice note
advice of drawing
advice of fate
advice of payment
advising bank
Advisory Committee(Securities and Futures) 
Advisory Committee on Diversification
advisory expense 
advisory fee
advisory funds 
advisory service in investment
advisory services
AGA publication
AGA 政府会计师联合会
against actuals
against all risks[AAR]
age allowance
age analysis 
aged debtors analysis 
age-life method
agency accounting 
agency agreement
agency bill 
agency bonds
agency broker
agency commission
agency contract
agency cost 
agency cross
agency expenses 
agency fee 
agency for government funds
agency fund 
agency general 
Agency Law
agency problem
agency relation
agency revenue
agency securities
agency services
agency theory 
agent bank
agent of company 
agent service
agent’s fee 
aggregate amount
aggregate assets and liabilities
aggregate at constant price
aggregate balance sheet 
aggregate balance 
aggregate demand 
aggregate depreciation
aggregate earnings value
aggregate exercise price
aggregate gross position
aggregate income statement
aggregate income
aggregate index 
aggregate investment
aggregate limit
aggregate losses
aggregate of salaries tax
aggregate performance
aggregate risk
aggregate social capital
aggregate supply 
aggregate surplus 
aggregate total 
aggregate value
aggregated basis
aggregated net chargeable income
aggregation of incomes of husband and wife
aggregation of property 
aggressive accounting
aggressive collection
aggressive growth fund
aggressive investment strategy 
aggressive portfolio
aggressive project
aggressive working capital policy
aging analysis method 
aging of account 
aging of accounts receivable
aging of accounts
aging schedule
agio theory of interest
agreed bid 
agreed payment
agreed-upon procedures engagement
agreement for a settlement 
agreement for assignment
agreement for sale and purchase 
agreement for the payment of interest 
agreement for the repayment of money 
agreement in intent
agreement of partnership
agreement of reinsurance
agreement tariff 
agricultural accounting
Agricultural Bank of China
agricultural income
agricultural levies
agricultural paper
agricultural parity price 
agricultural subsidies 
Alan Greenspan
alcohol duty 
algebraic method
alien bank
alien corporation
alien property
alimony payment 
all capital earnings rate
all financial resource concept 
All Ordinaries Index[AOI] 
all risks 
all round price
All Sales Record for Stock Market
all washed up 
alleviate enterprises’social burdens
all-inclusive income concept
all-inclusive income statement 
allocated cost of fixed assets
allocated cost
allocating factory
allocating income taxes
allocation base 
allocation criteria
allocation efficiency
allocation letter
allocation of asset
allocation of cost
allocation of fund 
allocation of market 
allocation of profit 
allocation of purchase price
allocation of quota 
allocation of resources 
allocation of shares
allocation optimum
allocation warrant
allocations of special drawing rights
allocations to accounting periods 
all-or-none order 
allotment account
allotment letter
allotment money
allotment notice
allotment of shares
allowable business loss
allowable deduction
allowable depreciation
allowable expenses 
allowable loss 
allowance for bad debts
allowance for debts
allowance for depreciation by wear and tear 
allowance for depreciation
allowance for doubtful accounts
allowance for excess of cost over market value of long-term investments 
allowance for inflation
allowance method 
allowance of impairments on capital assets
allowance to debtor
allowances against tax
all-purpose bank
all-purpose financial statement 
all-resources concept
all-risks insurance 
Alpha(Market Alpha)
alpha code
alpha coefficient
alpha risk
alpha stocks
alteration of capital
altered check
alternate entity characteristics 
alternate entity forms
alternate trustee
alternation bill 
alternative accounting rule
alternative asset 
alternative cost
alternative investment market
alternative investment project 
alternative investment 
alternative method of recording
alternative minimum tax
alternative proposals
Altman Z-score 
amalgamated financial statement 
ambit(head or subhead of expenditure)
ambit of charges
amended return
amended valuation
amendment of register
American Accounting Association
American Bankruptcy Institute 
American Bar Association
American Commodities Exchange 
American Depository Receipt[ADR] 
American Express Bank Limited 
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants[AICPA]
American option
American Society of Appraisers[ASA] 
American Society of Women Accountants[ASWA]
American Stock Exchange
American stock indices
American style option
American Women’s Society of Certified Public Accountants[AWSCPA]
amicable allowance
amicable settlement 
amortization fund
amortization of bond issued expense 
amortization of discount
amortization of fixed asset 
amortization of intangible asset 
amortization of loan 
amortization of patent 
amortization of premium 
amortization period
amortization schedule
amortized cost
amortized value
amortizing a bond discount
amortizing a bond premium 
amortizing loan
amount differ
amount due from banks
amount due from holding companies 
amount due from local banks
amount due to banks abroad
amount due to banks 
amount due to holding companies
amount due to local banks
amount due to outport banks
amount due
amount for note issue 
amount guaranteed
amount insured
amount of 1dollar
amount of investment
amount of principal of the loan
amount of sales
amount of share capital 
amount of variation
amount payable
amount realized 
amount receivable 
Amsterdam Stock Exchange 
American Standard Code for Information Interchange[ASCII]
analysis of assets changes
analysis of balance sheet 
analysis of business profit
analysis of capital changes
analysis of changes in financial position
analysis of financial statements 
analysis of liquidity
analysis of profitability
analysis of time series
analysis of variance 
analysis report
analytical audit 
analytical evidence 
analytical measures
analytical model 
analytical review procedures
analytical review
analytical statement 
analytical test 
ancillary letter of credit
ancillary materials
ancillary revenue
ancillary risk
Andersen effect 
angel investor 
announcement of sale 
annual account 
annual accounting date
annual accounting
annual allowance 
annual appropriation
annual audit
annual balance sheet 
annual balance 
annual budget 
annual cash flow 
annual checks of the registration of property rights
annual closing
annual disposable income
annual earnings
annual equivalent cost
annual estimates 
annual fee
annual financial report
Annual General Meeting[AGM]
annual growth rate
annual income
annual interest 
annual pensionable emolument 
annual percentage yield 
annual profit
Annual Report on the Consumer Price Index
annual report 
annual return 
annual review of consumer prices 
annual roll-forward basis 
annual salary
annual statement
annual summary 
annualized net present value
annuity bond 
annuity certain
annuity contract 
annuity cost
annuity due
annuity fund
annuity in advance
annuity in arrears
annuity method of depreciation
annuity on human life 
anomalous error
antecedent debt 
ante-dated cheque 
anticipated cost method
anticipated cost valuation
anticipated expenditure 
anticipated interest 
anticipated net profit 
anticipated revenue
anti-dilution clause
Anti-dilution Provision 
anti-fraud profession
anti-greenmail provision
anti-inflation measure 
anti-inflationary stance 
Anti-Money Laundering regulation
anti-pollution investment
anti-profiteering tax
anti-takeover measure 
anti-takeover statute 
anti-tax avoidance
Anti-trust Law 
anti-trust legislation 
any and all bid 
APB Opinion 
APEC 亚太区经济合作组织(亚太经合组织)
APICS Business Outlook Index
apparent deficit 
apparent financial solvency
apparent partner 
application and allotment account
application controls
application for listing
application for registration 
application for shares 
application form
application of fund
application of incorporation
application program
application right 
applications software
applied cost 
applied overhead 
appointed actuary
appointed auditor 
appointed trustee
apportioned pro rata
Apportionment Act(United Kingdom) 
apportionment formula
apportionment of estate duty
appraisal capital
appraisal cost
appraisal handbook
appraisal of machinery and equipment 
appraisal of real estate
appraisal procedure 
appraisal report 
appraisal surplus 
appreciable growth
appreciable impact
appreciable increase
appreciation against other currencies
appreciation of currency 
appreciation of fixed assets
appreciation tax
appropriated retained earnings
appropriately tight 
appropriation account
Appropriation Bill
appropriation budget
appropriation receipt 
appropriation refund
appropriation request
appropriations from state treasury 
approved account
approved assets 
approved basket stock
approved bond 
approved budget
approved charitable donation
approved currency
approved estimates of expenditure
approved estimates
approved overseas trust company
approved pooled investment fund
approved provident fund scheme
approved redeemable share
approved retirement scheme
approved securities 
approved subordinated loan
Asahi Finance(Hong Kong)Limited 
ascertainment of profit
Asia Commercial Bank Ltd.
Asian bank syndication market 
Asian Clearing Union
Asian Development Bank[ADB] 
Asian Development Fund[ADF] 
Asian dollar bond
Asian dollar market 
Asian dollar rate
Asian dollar
Asian Option
Asian Securities Analysts Council[ASAC]
Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation[APEC] 
asked price 
assembly language 
assembly line
assessable capital stocks
assessable income 
assessable loss
assessable profit
assessable value 
assessed bond
assessed profit
assessed stock
assessed tax 
assessed value
assessment fund
assessment number
assessment of additional tax
assessment of duty 
assessment of loss
assessment of performance 
assessment ratio
assessment rol
asset account
asset accretion 
asset allocation fund 
asset allocation
asset and liability statement
asset appraisal
asset backing 
asset betterment and addition 
asset change statement
asset classification
asset cover
asset coverage ratio
asset depreciation range
asset depreciation
asset disposal account
asset disposal 
asset earning power
asset group
asset holdings
asset impairment
asset income
asset inventory shorts
asset inventory surplus 
asset leased to others
asset lending
asset liability ratio
asset liability view
asset management company
asset management service 
asset management
asset measurement 
asset play 
asset portfolio 
asset price bubbles 
asset price 
asset quality rating
asset quality 
asset redeployment
asset retirement
asset revaluation reserve
asset revaluation
asset stock
asset stripper
asset stripping
asset structure 
asset swap
asset turnover rate
asset utilization ratio
asset valuation
asset value(per share) 
asset-backed securities 
asset-liability management
assets of the company passing on the death 
assets out of accounts 
assets pledged as security for liabilities
assets realization 
assets refinancing arrangement 
assets securitization
assets under management
assignable instrument
assigned account 
assigned value 
assigning factory to jobs 
assignment clause 
assignment method 
assignment of accounts receivable
assignment of debt
assignment of interest
assignment of lease 
assignment of letters patent and trade mark 
assignment of life policy
assignment of marketing right 
assignment of property
assignment of wage
assignment right 
assistance and subsidy
assistant account
assistant auditor 
assistant controller
assistant manager
Associate Clearing Housing Amsterdam B.V. 
associate director
associate member 
associated banks
associated body corporate
associated company
associated corporation
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants[ACCA](United Kingdom)
association of consumers 
Association of Futures Exchange Brokers
Association of Government Accounting
association of shareholders 
Association of South-East Asian Nations[ASEAN] 
association of underwriters 
assumable mortgage 
assumed bonds 
assumed interest rate
assumed liability
assumption of control
assumption of mortgage 
assumptions of accounting
assumptions of cost-volume-profit
assurance company
assurance service 
Auckland Stock Exchange
auction house 
auction market preferred stock
auction market
auctioneer’s commission
audit agenda
audit and attest standard
audit certificate 
Audit Commission
Audit Committee 
audit completion checklist
audit conclusion
audit contract
audit coverage
audit cycle
audit department 
audit documentation
audit engagement
audit evidence 
audit exemption report
audit exemption
audit expectations gap
audit expense 
audit failure
audit fee
audit file
audit financial statement
audit findings 
audit firm 
Audit Guides 
audit industry
Audit Law
audit manual
audit of financial statement
audit period 
audit plan 
audit principle
audit procedure
audit program 
audit programme
audit quality 
audit related services
audit report on special purpose engagements
audit report 
audit review
audit risk 
audit sampling 
audit scope
audit service
audit software package
audit software 
audit standard 
audit strategy 
audit team 
audit technique
audit test 
audit ticks
audit trail
audit working paper
audit year 
audited account 
audited annual account
audited balance sheet
audited financial statement
audited voucher 
auditing around the computer
auditing by rotation 
auditing clerk 
auditing concept 
auditing environment
auditing evidence
auditing examination
auditing firm
auditing guidelines 
auditing independent
auditing journal
auditing method 
auditing objective 
auditing postulate
auditing practice
Auditing Practices Committee[APC]
auditing principle
auditing procedure 
auditing process
auditing profession
auditing rule
Auditing Standards Board 
auditing standards
auditing system
auditing theory 
auditing through the computer
auditor general
auditor’s civil liability 
auditor’s criminal liability 
auditor’s rotation
auditor’s certificate
auditor’s legal liability
auditor’s opinion
auditor’s report 
Aussie bond 
austerity budget 
Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Limited
Australia All Ordinaries Index
Australian Dollar[AUD] 
Australian Options Market 
Australian Securities Commission 
Australian Society of Certified Practicing Accountants
Australian Stock Exchange 
Austrian Schilling[ATS]
authority to pay
authority to purchase
authorization by direction 
authorization by instruction 指令
authorization by warrant
authorization of unit trust
authorized agent 
authorized appropriation
authorized auditor 
authorized bank
authorized capital stock 
authorized capital
authorized clerk 
authorized dealer 
authorized depository 
authorized fund house 
authorized fund 
authorized institution incorporated outside Hong Kong
authorized insurer
authorized investment 
authorized person 
authorized representative
authorized share capital
authorized stock
Authur Anderson & Co.
auto sales
Automated Bond System
automated clearing house
Automated Confirmation Transaction Service
automated quotation system
automated teller machine
Automated Trading System(Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited) 
automatic adjustment mechanism
automatic adjustment system
automatic audit
automatic check-off 
automatic data processing
automatic dividend investment 
automatic error correction
automatic exchange rates accumulation system 
Automatic Order Matching and Execution System 
automatic reinstatement
automatic transfer service
automobile industry
autonomous expenditure
autonomous tariff 
autonomous variable
auxiliary account
auxiliary department
auxiliary enterprise
auxiliary ledger 
auxiliary material
auxiliary production expense 