首页 工具 数据 导航 问答 资料 社区 对账
在线客服 登录 注册
cable rate
cable transfer
cafeteria plan 
calendar effect 
call account 
call date
call deposit
call for bid 
call in 
call loan 
call loan rate 
call margin
call market 
call money 
call money rate
call option 
call premium
call price 
call privilege 
call protection
call provision
call purchase/call sale 
call risk
call swaption
call up 
call warrant
callable bonds
callable preferred stock
callable share 
called up share capital 
call-spread warrant 
Camels Rating System
Canadian agencies 
Canadian Dollar[CAD]
Canadian institute of chartered accountants 
cancel a debt 
cancel supporting documents
cancelable lease 
cancellation amount 
cancellation price
canceled check 
candidates for acquisition
candy deal 
capacity cost 
capacity of competition
capacity operating rate
capacity ratios 
capacity to borrow 
capacity to contract 
capacity to pay 
capacity utilization
capital-common stock
capital-preferred stock 
Capital Accord 
capital account 
capital accumulation 
capital addition
capital adequacy ratio[CAR]
capital allocation decision
capital allowance
capital alteration 
capital and liabilities ratio
capital and surplus 
capital appreciation 
capital asset pricing model
capital assets 
capital at risk 
capital authorized 
capital base
capital bonus 
capital budget
capital budgeting 
capital charges
capital coefficient
capital collected in advance
capital commitment 
capital composition
capital construction investment
capital consumption
capital contribution
capital cost
capital cover
capital credit certificate
capital deficiency
capital deficit
capital duty
capital element 
capital employed
capital equipment 
capital expenditure
capital expenditure authorization
capital expenditure control 
capital expenditure proposal 
Capital expenditures budget
capital expenses
capital export 
capital export country
capital financing 
capital flight 
capital flow 
capital formation 
capital formation figure
capital fund
capital funding planning
capital gain 
capital gain net income
capital gains tax
capital gains yield 
capital gearing 
capital goods 
capital goods price index
capital grant
capital grant cycle
capital guarantee fund
capital impairment
capital in budget
capital in cash 
capital increase 
capital injection
capital input 
capital instrument
capital intensity 
capital invested
capital investment
capital investment analysis
capital investment appraisal
capital investment proposal 
capital issue
capital lease 
capital leverage 
capital levy
capital loan 
capital loss 
capital maintenance concept
capital market line
capital market
capital market 
capital market instrument 
capital market rate 
capital money
capital movement 
capital nature 
capital net worth
Capital Note 
capital outlay 
capital paid-in 
capital position
capital profit
capital project 
capital ratio 
capital rationing
capital rationing decision process
capital readjustment
capital receipt 
capital recovery 
capital redemption
capital redemption reserve 
capital reduction
capital reorganization
capital repayment
capital reserve
capital resource planning
capital return
capital revenue 
capital risk 
capital spending 
capital stock
capital stock discount 
capital stock outstanding 
capital stock premium
capital stock subscription
capital structure
capital structure decision
capital structure ratio
capital subsidy
capital sum 
capital surplus
capital tax 
capital transactions
capital transfer tax 
capital turnover
capital turnover ratio 
capital value 
capital verification 
capital-intensive industry
capitalization issue 
capitalization method 
capitalization of earnings 
capitalization of interest
capitalization of reserves 
capitalization rate 
capitalization ratio 
capitalization table
capitalized cost 
capitalized expense
capitalized interest
capitalized lease 
capitalized loan
capitalized surplus
capitalized value
capital-output ratio
capitation grant 
capped option
captive finance company
captive fund 
captive insurance business
captive insurance company 
captive market 
car insurance
card accounting
card loan
career paths of corporate executives 
cargo syndicate
Caribbean Development Bank 
carriage forward 
carriage free 
carriage inwards
carriage outwards
carriage paid 
carried down
carried forward
carried interest
carry back 
carry over 
carrying amount
carrying charge
carrying cost
carrying cost of inventory
carrying value
carry-over of losses
carry-over of stock
cartel price 
cartelized rates system 
carve out 
cash account
cash accounting
cash advance 
cash advance draft 
cash against documents
cash allowance
cash and carry
cash and cash equivalents
cash asset 
cash asset ratio
cash at bank 
cash audit
cash balance
cash balance pension plan
cash basis
cash before delivery
cash bonus
cash book
cash break-even analysis
cash budget
cash capital
cash client
cash commission rebate
cash commodity 
cash compensation
cash contribution 
cash conversion cycle 
cash cost
cash count 
cash coupon 
cash cow 
cash credit
cash cycle 
cash deal
cash debt coverage ratio
cash decision model 
cash deficiency agreement 
cash deficit 
cash delivery 
cash deposit and withdrawal
cash disbursement journal 
cash disbursement slip
cash disbursement
cash discount 
cash dividends
cash down
cash drain 
cash earnings per share 
cash economy 
cash equivalent value
cash float 
cash flow 
cash flow adequacy ratio
cash flow after interest and taxes
cash flow after taxes 
cash flow analysis
cash flow budget
cash flow coverage ratio
cash flow from operations
cash flow lending 
cash flow matching 
cash flow per share 
cash flow prospects
cash flow return on investment[CFROI]
cash flow statement
cash flow surplus 
cash flow time-line
cash flow to capital expenditure ratio
cash flows from financing activities
cash flows from investing activities
cash flows from operating activities
cash forecast 
cash fund
cash in advance
cash in bank
cash in hand 
cash in hold 
cash in till 
cash in transit[CIT]
cash in vault
cash inflow
cash input 
cash investment
cash items
cash journal
cash ledger 
cash limit
cash management
cash management bill 
cash margin
cash market
cash offer
cash on cash return
cash on delivery 
cash on hand
cash on shipment
cash on the balance sheet
cash order 
cash outflow
cash paid receipt
cash payback period 
cash payments for operating
cash payments journal 
cash position
cash position ratio 
cash price 
cash purchase
cash ratio
cash receipt journal
cash receipt
cash received
cash receiving slip 
cash records
cash report
cash reserves 
cash residual value
cash return on gross investment[CROGI]
cash sale 
cash settlement
cash short and over account
cash shortages and overages
cash statement
cash surplus
cash surrender value
cash system 
cash till 
cash to current liabilities ratio
cash turnover ratio
cash value added
cash voucher
cash with order
cash yield
cash’s check 
cash ability
cash-flow to total-debt ratio
cashier’s order
cashier’s order outstanding
cash-limited subhead
cash out 
cash-settled warrant
cash sweep 
casual audit 
casual client  
catalog price 
catastrophe bond 
catch-up adjustment
catch-up depreciation 
catch-up entry
cats and dogs
cause and effect analysis
caution money 
ceded company
ceding company
ceding insurer 
ceiling price 
ceiling-floor agreement
Central Bank
central bank of central bank
central banking
central banking function
Central Clearing & Settlement System
central clearing house
central clearing system
central depository
central depository system
central enterprise 
central government 
central management
central purchasing
central rate 
central selling
certain annuity
certainty decision
certainty equivalent
certainty equivalent coefficient 
Certificate in Internal Auditing
Certificate in Management Accounting
certificate of audit
certificate of beneficial interest
certificate of bonds
certificate of capital stock
certificate of capital verification
certificate of compliance
certificate of deposit[CD] 
certificate of incorporation 
certificate of incumbency 
certificate of indebtedness
certificate of insurance
certificate of interest 
certificate of origin 
certificate of ownership
certificate of participation
certificate of preference 
certificate of protest
certificate of rateable value
certificate of registration
certificate of release
certificate of satisfaction 
certificate of subscription
certificate of title 
certificate of transfer
certificate of value 
certificate on capital verification
Certificate Public Accountant[CPA]
certificate to bearer 
certificate to commerce business
certification fee 
certified accountant 
certified appraiser
certified cash manager
certified check
certified cheque
certified copy
certified data processor 
certified financial examiner
certified financial planners 
certified financial statement 
certified forensic accountant
certified fund specialist
certified information system auditor 
certified internal auditor
certified invoice
certified management accountant
certified mortgage 
certified mortgage planner
certified professional environmental auditor[CPEA] 
certified quality auditor[CQA]
certified statement
certified valuation analyst 
certifying bank
certifying officer
chain discount 
chain index
chain liquidation
chain store 
chairman of the board(of directors)
chairman’s report
chamber of commerce
change fund
change in accounting principle 
change in financial position 
change in reporting entity 
change in value of currency
change of domicile
change of ownership 
change of registration
change of title 
change record 
change request 
change to estimates
changeover time 
changes in nature of engagement 
changing prices accounting
channel intermediaries 
channel margin technology
channels of distribution
characteristic line 
charge account
charge and discharge accounting
charge back 
charge card
charge forward
charge number 
charge off
charge on assets
charge sale 
charge upon general revenue
chargeable person
chargeable agreement for sale 
chargeable event 
chargeable expense 
chargeable gain
chargeable income
chargeable period
chargeable profit 
chargeable to tax
chargeable transfer
charges forward
charges on assets
charges on purchased material 
charges on purchased merchandise 
charges paid
charges period
charges register 
charging order
charger’s right
charitable contribution
charitable organization
charitable trust 
charity commissioners
charity property 
charity statement
charm price
chart of accounts 
charter of incorporation 
chartered accountant
chartered bank
chartered company
chartered entity
Chartered Financial Analyst[CFA] 
chartered financial consultant
chartered institute of taxation
chartered investment counselor 
chartered management accountant
chartist theory 
Chase Manhattan Asia Limited 
Chase Manhattan Bank
chattel mortgage
chattel mortgage bond
chattel mortgage contract
cheap credit 
cheap labor force
cheap money policy 
cheapest to deliver issue
check and balance system
check and remittance advice 
check book
check bouncer 
check clearing 
check credit
check crossed generally
check digit 
check for transfer 
check list
check mark 
check off
check rate 
check register
check requisition
check to bearer
check to order
check up account 
check verification 
checking account 
checking deposit
Chekiang First Bank Limited
cheque account 
cheque register 
cheque stub
cheque to bearer
cherry picking 
Chiba Bank Ltd.
Chicago Board of Trade
Chicago Board Options Exchange 
Chicago Mercantile Exchange
Chicago Mercantile Exchange[CME] 
Chicago Stock Exchange 
chief accountant 
chief auditor 
chief cashier 
chief engineer
Chief Executive Officer[CEO] 
Chief Financial Officer[CFO] 
Chief Operating Officer[COO]
child allowance
China Capital Markets
China concept stock
China Construction Bank
China Development Bank[CDB] 
China International Capital Corporation[CICC] 
China privatization 
China restructuring
China Securities Regulatory Commission[CSRC]
China State Bank Limited
China Stock Markets
Chinese New Year bonus
Chinese Wall 
chit fund
Chiyu Finance Company Limited
Cho Hung Finance Limited 
choosing a cost-plus approach 
choses in action
choses in possession
chronological book 
chronological record 
chronology of an audit
Chung Khiaw Bank Limited 
Chuo Trust Asia Limited
claim dilution
claim for refund
claim of debt
claim of ownership 
claim on bank 
claim statement 
claim to dividend
claims statistics 
clarification of property rights 
class action
class A share 
class of insurance business 
class of property
class price 
classical economics
classical of accounts 
classification item
classification of accounts
classification of assets
classification of liabilities
classification of property 
classification of stock share 
classification of stockholders’equity
classification schemes 
classified advertisement
classified balance sheet
classified board 
classified common stock 
classified income statement
classified income tax
classified property tax 
classified shares
classified trial balance
classifying costs 
claused bill of exchange 
claused bill of lading 
claw back
clean acceptance
clean balance sheet
clean bill of exchange
clean bill of lading
clean credit
clean float
clean letter of credit
clean opinion 
clean price 
clean surplus concept
clear a position
clearance agent
clearance certificate 
clearance cost 
clearance fee 
clearance letter 
clearance sale
clearing account 
clearing agreement
clearing and settlement 
clearing balance 
clearing bank
clearing cheque
clearing currency 
clearing cycle 
clearing fee
clearing house
Clearing House Automated Payments System[CHAPS] 
Clearing House Interbank Payments System[CHIPS] 
clearing house statement
clearing member
clearing members’fund
clearing participant
clearing rebate 
clearly defining property rights
clear-up cause
clear-up period 
clerical error
clerk to the board of review
client agreement
client confidentiality
client money 
client represention letter 
client screening
client statement
clientele effect
clients fund
clock card 
close a position 
close company 
close higher
close lower 
close mixed 
close of exchange
close of financial year
close off
close out 
close out a long position
close out a short position
close steady 
closed market
closed account
closed corporation 
closed economy
closed mortgage 
closed-end fund 
closed-end investment company
closed-end mortgage
closed-end mutual fund
closely connected
closely held company
close-out price 
closing account 
closing adjustment
closing balance 
closing bell
closing bid
closing cost
closing date
closing entries 
closing inventory 
closing price
closing process
closing purchase
closing quotation 
closing range
closing-rate method
closing stock
closing title 
closing transaction
closing trial balance
clothing levy
club deposit
cluster analysis 
cluster sampling
coal and mining industry
Code of Aid
Code of Banking Practice
code of conduct
code of practice 
Code of Professional Ethics 
coding clerk 
coding form
coding of account 
coding of assets
coefficient of correlation
coefficient of determination
coefficient of variation
coexistence of various economic composition
co-financing scheme
coin replacement programme
coin set 
Coinage Security Fund
coincident indication 
coinsurance clause 
coinsurance effect 
co-lead manager 
collapse in price
collateral agreement 
collateral bond 
collateral loan
collateral note
collateral security
collateral trust bonds 
collateral value
collateralized mortgage obligation[CMO]
collateral-trust bonds 
collectible account 
collecting bank 
collection agency 
collection charge
collection department
collection document
collection float 
collection forecast
collection fractions 
collection letter
collection method
collection of betting duty
collection on document
collection period
collection policy
collection ratio 
collection service 
collective bargaining
collective consumption
collective contract 
collective economy 
collective enterprise 
collective firm
collective fund 
collective labor agreement
collective ownership 
collective policy
collective property
collectively-owned enterprises
collector of taxes 
collector of rates
collector of stamp revenue
collusive tendering
columnar account
columnar cash journal 
columnar journal
combination by purchase
combination for sharing business
combination matching
combination of enterprise 
combination strategy
combined enterprise 
combined financial statement 
combined journal and ledger
combined surplus
comfort letter
command economy 
command theory 
commemoration coin
commencement of winding-up
commercial activity
commercial arbitration 
commercial bank 
Commercial Bank Act of Norway
Commercial Banks Law
commercial bill 
commercial borrowing
commercial code 
Commercial Code of Japan
commercial credit company 
commercial credit insurance
commercial credit risk 
commercial discount
commercial document
commercial enterprise
commercial finance company
commercial invoice
commercial law
Commercial Law League of America[CLLA] 
commercial letter of credit
commercial loan 
commercial monopoly
Commercial Mortgage Backed Security[CMBS] 
commercial paper
commercial paper market
commercial paper payable 
commercial paper rate
commercial registry 
commercial return
commercial sale 
commercial substance
commercialization of housing 
commercially viable
Commerzbank AG
commission account
commission agent
commission broker 
commission house
commission payable
commission rate
commission rebate
commission rep 
commission revenue/income
commissioner of banking
commissioner of estate duty
commissioner of insurance 
commitment fee
commitment for capital expenditure 
committed cost
committee of audit
committee of inspection
Committee of Sponsoring Organizations[COSO] 
commodity broker
commodity capital
commodity circulation
commodity code
commodity contract 
commodity dealer 
commodity economy 
commodity exchange
commodity flow method
commodity futures contract 
Commodity Futures Trading Commission[CFTC] 
commodity market 
commodity price index
commodity purchasing power
commodity rate 
commodity tax
commodity theory of money
commodity trading adviser 
commodity warrant
commodity-based investment
Common Business Oriented Language[COBOL]
common carrier 
common cost
common customs tariff 
common expense
common fund
common law
common market
common ownership
common pricing
common property 
common prosperity 
common share 
common stock 
common stock dividend 
common stock equity
common stock equivalent
common stock funds
common stock index
common stock ratio
common-size analysis
common-size financial statement 
common-size statement
commonwealth income tax
Commonwealth Preference 
communal property
communication expenses
communications between auditors and management
communications on internal control
community economy
community facilities
community of interest
community of nations
Community Preference
community property
commutation of pension
commuted gratuity
commuted value
Companies Acts 
Companies Handbook 
companies inspector
companies liquidation account
companies registry
company auditor 
company director
company finance
company funds
company income tax
company incorporated 
company law 
company level controls
company limited by guarantee
company limited by shares
company of limited liability
company of unlimited liability
company officers 
company promoter 
company registrar 
company registration fee
company reserve 
company seal
company specific risk 
company tax
company’s memorandum 
company’s reserve
comparability Principle 
comparable price
comparable transactions analysis 
comparative accounting
comparative advantage
comparative balance sheet
comparative cost advantage
comparative figures 
comparative financial statements
comparative income statement 
comparative retained earning statement-horizontal analysis
comparing job order and process 
comparison with business records
compensated absences
compensating balance
compensating depreciation
compensating errors
compensating payment 
compensation for damage
compensation for loss of office
compensation from insurance
compensation fund 
compensation package
compensation payable to directors and supervisors
compensation rate
Compensation Review Committee
compensation scheme
compensation trade 
compensation value 
compensatory balance
compensatory stock option 
compensatory tariff
competent auditor 
competition market
competitive advantage
competitive bid
competitive devaluation
competitive edge 
competitive market 
competitive position 
competitive power
competitive price 
competitive report
competitive strategy
competitive tender
competitive wage 
compilation engagement
compilation of financial statement
complete audit 
complete cost
complete cycle costs
complete transaction
completed contract method of accounting 
completion of the audit
completion risk
complex capital structure
complex tariff 
complex trust 
compliance audit
compliance test 
component of a complete set of financial statements 
composite break-even point
composite cost of capital
composite depreciation
composite depreciation rate of fixed assets
composite financial statement
composite index
composite rating 
composite tax return 
composite tax rate 
composite tax return
composition of asset 
composition of capital
composition of creditors
composition of earnings
composition of industry
compound amount of 1dollar 
Compound Annual Growth Rate[CAGR]
compound arbitrage
compound discount
compound entry
compound growth rate
compound increase
compound interest
compound interest method of depreciation
compound interest principles 
compound interest table
compound tariff
compound value 
comprador’s capital
comprehensive national power 
comprehensive analysis
comprehensive annual financial report
comprehensive audit 
comprehensive basis of accounting
comprehensive budget
comprehensive development of economy
comprehensive income 
comprehensive income items
comprehensive income tax
comprehensive insurance
comprehensive policy
comprehensive tax allocation 
comptroller general
compulsory annuity
compulsory arbitration
compulsory audit
compulsory check-off
compulsory liquidation
compulsory measure
compulsory winding-up
computer controls
computer file
computer fraud
computer information systems(CIS)environment
computer terminal
computer virus 
computer-aided audit Techniques
computer-aided financial management
computer-assisted audit techniques
computerized accounting 
computerized accounting systems
computerized perpetual inventory systems
computers in use of cost-volume-profit analysis 
computing employee net
conceal of income
concentrated position
concentration risk 
concentric acquisition 
concept of account control
concept of capital maintenance 
concept stock
conceptual framework
concert-party agreement 
concession agreement
concession contract 
concurrent insurance
condensed balance sheet
condensed financial statements
condensed income statement
conditional acceptance
conditional bid 
conditional bond
conditional discharge
conditional endorsement 
conditional loan
conditional offer 
conditional precedent 
conditional sale agreement
conditions concurrent
conditions of contract 
conditions of employment
conditions of sale 
conditions of tender 
conduct money 
conduct of business standard
confidence coefficient
confidence interval
confidence level 
confidential clause 
confidential information 
confidential pre-filing review
confidential submission
confidentiality agreement
confirmation in writing 
confirmation letter
confirmation of accounts receivable
confirmation of mail transfer
confirmation of payment 
confirmed banker’s credit
confirmed irrevocable letter of credit 
confirmed letter of credit
confirming bank
confirming house
confiscate risk
confiscated goods
confiscation order
conflict of interest
conglomerate combination 
conglomerate company
conglomerate financial statement
conglomerate merger 
congressional watchdog
connected person 
connected transaction
conscientiously strengthen the operation and administration
consensus rate
consent decree
consent dividend
consent letter 
consequence analysis
consequential damage 
consequential loss 
Conservatism Principle 
conservative investor
consideration other than cash
consigned goods 
consignment account 
consignment note 
consignment profit and loss 
consignment stock
Consistency Principle 
consolidated bond 
consolidated balance sheet
consolidated capital 
consolidated cash deficit
consolidated cash surplus
consolidated cash-flow statement 
consolidated financial statement
consolidated fund 
consolidated goodwill
consolidated group
consolidated income tax return
consolidated income statement
consolidated loss
consolidated mortgage
consolidated net earnings
consolidated net profit
consolidated price
consolidated profit and loss account
consolidated retained earning 
consolidated revenue 
consolidation accounting
consolidation adjustment
consolidation by lease
consolidation by merger 
consolidation excess 
consolidation goodwill
consolidation loan
consolidation method 
consolidation of shares
consolidation period
consortium bank
consortium company 
consortium loan 
consortium project
consortium relief
constant capital
constant cost industry 
constant dollar accounting 
constant dollar figure 
constant dollars
constant growth rate
constant market price 
constant payment mortgage
constant price 
constant price series 
constant purchase power accounting 
constant rate
constant-dollar income
constituent company
constituent stock 
construction balance sheet
construction bond 
construction budget
construction contract accounting
construction cost
construction in progress
construction industry
construction loan 
construction loan note
construction of a multi-layer social security system
construction output
constructive dividend
constructive fraud
constructive obligation
constructive possession 
constructive receipt 
constructive trust
consulate fee
consular invoice
consultant accountant
consultant fee 
consultation committee
Consultative Committee of Accounting Bodies
consulting actuary 
consulting firm
consulting service
consumable materials
consumed cost 
consumer behaviour
Consumer Confidence Index[CCI]
Consumer Council 
consumer credit 
consumer demand
consumer durables
consumer expenditure 
consumer finance company 
consumer goods
consumer installment credit
consumer lease
consumer market
Consumer Price Index[CPI] 
Consumer Price Index Report
Consumer Price Index series
consumer price inflation 
consumer protection
consumer sales promotions 
consumer sentiment
consumer sovereignty
consumer spending
consumption expenditure 
consumption function
consumption level
consumption pattern
consumption product 
consumption structure 
consumption tax 
contador public
contango day
contested takeover 
contingencies warrant
contingency account
contingency allowance
contingency approach
contingency budget
contingency clause
contingency financial plan
contingency fund
contingency insurance 
contingency plan
contingency reserve
contingency sum 
contingency theory
contingent annuity 
contingent asset
contingent consideration
contingent debt 
contingent expense
contingent fee 
contingent fund 
contingent gain
contingent interest
contingent liability
contingent loss
contingent profit
contingent projects 
contingent rental
contingent reserve
contingent transaction
contingent value right
continue to hold a deposit 
continuing account
continuing accounting significance
continuing appropriation
continuing auditor
continuing investment
continuing operations 
continuing professional education
continuing rent 
continuing security 
continuing trustee 
continuity of operation 
continuous audit 
continuous budget
continuous budgeting
continuous compounding
continuous inventory
continuous licensing system
continuous processing 
continuous stocktaking 
continuous-operation costing
contra account 
contra asset 
contra asset accounts
contra balance 
contra entry 
contra flow 
contra goods
contra item 
contract account
contract audit 
contract bond
contract business
contract carrier 
contract clause 
contract cost 
contract costing
contract financing payment
contract for deed 
contract for difference
contract for service 
contract for settlement 
contract guarantee insurance
contract interest rate
contract labor
contract management
contract market
contract note 
contract of copartner
contract of guarantee
contract of indemnity
contract of insurance 
contract of reinsurance 
contract of sale 
contract of service
contract of transfer of technology
contract operation
contract price
contract rate
Contract rate of interest 
contract responsibility system with rem-uneration linked
contract revenue 
contract system 
contracted investment
contracting out 
contracting party 
contractual agreement
contractual commitment
contractual item
contractual joint venture
contractual liability 
contractual mutual fund
contractual obligation
contractual payment
contractual relation
contractual rent 
contractual right
contractual savings
contraliability account
contributed capital in excess of par value
contributed capital 
contributed surplus
contributing assets to a partnership
contribution approach to pricing
contribution centre
contribution clause
contribution concept
contribution costing 
contribution income statement
contribution margin
contribution margin or profit-volume
contribution margin ratio
contribution per unit
contribution theory 
contribution to investment
contribution to pension fund
contributory pension plan
contributory scheme
contributory value
control account
control activities 
control company
control deficiency 
control environment 
control limits
control of a company
control of cost
control of inflation
control of interest rate 
control of overall volume and economic restructuring
control policies and procedures 
control risk
controllability concept
controllable cost 
controllable expenses 
controllable revenues
controllable variance
controlled accounts
controlled company
controlled economy
controlled investment
controlling company
controlling interest 
controlling officer’s report
controlling shareholder
controlling stake 
controlling-company accounting
controls tests
convenience store
conventional accounting
conventional cap
conventional cash flow pattern
conventional costing
conventional income statement
conventional lending 
conventional lien
conventional loan 
conversion costs 
conversion date 
conversion discount
conversion equivalent units
conversion exposure
conversion factor 
conversion issue
conversion loan
conversion of state assets into state shares
conversion of stock
conversion premium
conversion price
conversion privilege
conversion rate
conversion ratio 
conversion right
conversion value
convertibility undertaking 
convertible bond
convertible currency
convertible debenture
convertible preferred stock 
convertible securities 
convertible stock
convertible subordinated note
convertible unsecured loan stock
conveyance of property
conveyance on sale
conveyancing fee 
cooked books 
cooling-off period 
cooperative bank
cooperative enterprise 
cooperative society of credit 
co-ownership company
co-ownership of partnership property
co-ownership of property
Copenhagen Stock Exchange 
copyright royalty 
core business 
core capital
core inflation 
core liquidity 
cornering the market
corporate action
corporate annual reports
corporate anorexia
corporate appraisal 
corporate assets
corporate body
corporate bond
corporate bond issued
corporate bonds payable
corporate borrower
corporate business 
corporate cannibalism
corporate capital
corporate charter 
corporate combination
corporate customer
corporate culture
corporate dealer
corporate enterprise
corporate executives
corporate failure
corporate finance 
corporate fund
corporate governance
corporate image
corporate income tax
corporate investment adviser
corporate joint venture
Corporate Law
corporate life-cycle stages
corporate liquidation
corporate loan
corporate member 
corporate modelling
corporate name
corporate objective
corporate obligation
corporate planning
corporate practice 
corporate profits before taxes 
corporate profits tax
corporate raider
corporate reorganization 
corporate report
corporate reputation
corporate risk 
corporate savings
corporate scandal 
corporate service tax 
corporate signature 
corporate social reporting
corporate stock
corporate strategic planning
corporate structure
corporate tax
corporate vision
corporation aggregate
corporation bond 
corporation bylaws
corporation charter 
corporation income tax 
Corporation Law
corporation loan
corporation share
corporation sole
corporation stock
corporation tax 
Corporation tax Act
corporation with foreign capital 
correcting entry 
correlation coefficient
correspondent bank
corresponding amount
corresponding figures
Corrupt Practice Act
Cosmos Finance Limited 
cost absorption
cost account
Cost Accountant
cost accounting
cost accounting manual
Cost Accounting Standards
cost accounting system 
cost accumulation 
cost adjustment 
cost allocation
cost analysis
cost and benefit analysis
cost and freight 
cost and insurance
cost apportionment
cost ascertainment 
cost attach concept
cost attribution 
cost audit
cost basis
cost behavior 
cost benefit analysis
cost budget
cost center 
cost classification
cost competitiveness
cost control 
cost convention 
cost distribution
cost driver 
cost effectiveness
cost efficiency
cost element
cost flow 
cost free 
cost function
cost graphs
cost input
cost item
cost ledger 
cost management
cost method
cost object
cost objective
cost of an asset
cost of borrowing
cost of capital 
cost of carry 
cost of conversion
cost of equity 
cost of funds 
cost of goods available
cost of goods manufactured 
cost of goods purchased 
cost of goods sold 
cost of goods sold budget
cost of installation
cost of investment 
cost of issue
cost of living
cost of living adjustment 
cost of living index
cost of management
cost of marketing 
cost of merchandise sold
cost of non-conformance
cost of possession 
cost of production
cost of production report
cost of replacement
cost of sales 
cost of transmitting
cost or market,whichever is lower
cost overrun
cost per equivalent unit
cost plus pricing
cost pool
cost prediction 
cost price
cost price approach 
cost price structure
cost ratio
cost records 
Cost Recovery Method
cost reduction
cost report 
cost saving
cost sheet
cost standard 
cost structure
cost synergy 
cost system(s)
cost term 
cost to the revenue 
cost unit
cost value 
cost variance analysis
cost variance report 
cost variances
cost,insurance and freight
cost-benefit analysis 
cost-benefit study 
cost-book company
cost-effectiveness analysis 
costing and pricing policy
costing exercise
costing methods
costing principles
costing review
cost-of-living adjustment
cost-plus contract 
cost-plus pricing
cost-push inflation 
cost-recovery basis
cost-related charges
cost-related fee 
costs of acquiring fixed assets
costs through a service business 
cost-to-cost method
cost-to-income ratio 
cost-to-price ratio 
cost-volume-profit chart
coting trust
cottage industry
cotton futures
council of director
council of economic advisers
Council of SEHK
counsel’s opinion
counter offer
counter trade 
counterbalancing error
counterfeit money
counterparty credit exposure
counterparty risk
counter purchase
countervailing credit
countervailing duty
country check
country debt provisioning
country of origin 
country quota 
country risk
Coupon Bonds 
coupon frequency 
coupon rate 
coupon security 
coupon stripping
Court of Auditor
Court of Bankruptcy
Court of Claims
Court order
cover into 
cover note
cover short position
coverage initiated 
coverage of fixed charge rate
coverage ratio 
covered call
covered interest arbitrage
covered option
covered warrant 
covering entry
crash cost
create form
creative accounting 
credit account
credit advice 
credit agency 
credit agreement 
credit analysis 
credit and loan
credit arrangement
credit balance
credit bank
credit bureau
credit capacity
credit capital
credit card
credit card scheme 
credit ceiling 
credit clearing
credit cliff
Credit Commercial de France
Credit Committee
credit control
credit conversion factor 
credit crisis 
credit runch
Credit Default Swap
credit department
Credit Derivative
credit easing
credit enhancement
credit entry 
credit exposure 
credit facilities
credit foncia amortization
credit fraud
credit freeze 
credit guarantee
Credit Guarantee Scheme
credit inflation 
credit insurance
credit item 
credit limit
credit line
Credit Lyonnais
credit management
credit manager
credit market
credit memorandum
credit note 
credit period
credit policy
credit purchase
credit rating
credit rating agency
credit regulation
credit report
credit risk
credit sale
credit scoring
credit side 
credit spread
credit squeeze 
credit standing 
credit system
credit terms 
credit to… 
credit transfer
credit union 
credit-linked notes 
creditor bank 
creditor country
creditor-days ratio
creditor of bankruptcy
creditor’s equity
creditor’s meeting
creditors ledger
creditor’s petition
creditors’voluntary liquidation
credit watch
credit worthiness
creeping inflation
criminal bankruptcy
criminal bankruptcy order 
criminal code
criminal fraud 
criminal liability
criminal tax penalty 
crisis export
crisis of confidence
criterion for credit
critical event
critical mass
critical path
critical path accounting
critical path analysis 
critical path method 
cross check
cross currency interest rate swap 
cross default clause 
cross hedge
cross holding
cross out
cross rate 
crossed cheque 
crossed trade 
Crossover Fund 
cross-sectional analysis
crown agent 
crown corporation
crown jewels
crude activity rate
crude econometric model 
cum all 
cum dividend
cum rights 
cumulative appreciation
cumulative balance
cumulative deficit
cumulative dividend
cumulative effect
cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles 
cumulative financial position
cumulative preference share
cumulative translation adjustment
cumulative voting 
cumulative weighted average cost 
curb inflation 
curb the real estate craze
curb trading 
currency adjustment factor
currency appreciatio
currency areas 
currency band
currency basket
currency board arrangement
currency circulation
currency clause
currency control
currency crisis
currency deflation 
currency denomination
currency depreciation
currency devaluation
currency exchange
currency exchange gains and losses 
currency exchange rates
currency exposure
currency forward
currency futures
currency futures contract
currency hedging
currency in circulation
currency matching
currency measurement
currency note 
currency option
currency overlay
currency reserves
currency revaluation 
currency risk
currency swap
currency transactions report 
currency warrant
current account 
current account balance sheet 
current account deficit
current account deposits
current account with others 
current asset 
current asset losses in suspense
current asset turnover
current audit files
current capital
current cash equivalent 
current cost
current cost accounting
current cost income 
current cost of goods sold 
current cost valuation
current debt ratio
current domestic value
current expense
current fund employment rate
current fund loan
current fund turnover days
current income 
current intangibles
current investment
current liabilities to net worth ratio
current liability 
current market price
current maturity
current period 
current period figures
current position
current position analysis
current price 
current price series
current purchasing power accounting 
current rate method
current ratio
current replacement cost
current return
current selling price
current surplus
current tangible assets
current tax 
current term net profit or loss 
current value
current value accounting 
current yield
current-cost depreciation
currently attainable or normal
currently attainable standards
current-noncurrent method
current-year basis
curve steepener trade
curvilinear cost function
cushion bond
cushion of liquid assets
cushion theory 
CUSIP Number 
custodial account
custodial accounting
custodial responsibility
custodian trustee 
custody-only trading 
custom adjustable rate debt structure 
customary discount
customer agent 
customer default 
customer information file
customer lending 
customer relationship management[CRM]
customer statement 
customer type indicator codes
customer-driven pricing
customer’s advance
customers ledger 
customer’s loan consent 
customs & usages 
customs barrier
customs bond
customs classification 
customs declaration
customs drawback 
customs duty
customs invoice
customs officer
customs tariff 
customs valuation
cut interest rate
cut loss
cut margin 
cut the price
cut-off date 
cutoff point 
cutoff rate(of return)
cutoff statement 
cutoff test
cut-throat competition