waste 损耗
1.general:resources consumed by inefficient or non-essential activities.Unwanted material left over from a production process,or output which has no marketable value.Process or material that does not(from the viewpoint of the customer)adds value to a good or service.Material discharged to,deposited in,or emitted to an environment in such amount or manner that causes a harmful change.2.lean production:the activity that consumes resources but adds no value.Called muda in Japanese,wastes are divided into seven types.Over-production:producing something more than the demand or before it is needed.Waiting:for the next process step due to long cycle time.Transport:unnecessary movement of material or parts due to inappropriate location of equipment or machines.Over-processing:processing that adds no value due to poor product design.Excess inventory:collect costs due to poor planning.Unnecessary movement of workers,due to inappropriate tool or work design.Defective product:products that nobody wants.