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lien 留置权,扣押权 

Creditor’s conditional right of ownership(called security interest)against a debtor’s asset or property that prevents its sale or transfer without paying off the creditor.In a contractual arrangement,a lien is the right of a contracting-party to take possession of a specific asset of the other contracting party,in case the contract is not performed according to its terms.A mortgage agreement is a lien on the mortgaged property and a bond is a lien on the bond issuer’s assets.Liens are also granted by the courts to satisfy a judgment against a losing defendant.All liens are for a limited period(which varies with the jurisdiction),apply only to the asset or property that forms part of an express or implied contract,and(if attached to a real property)must be properly registered to be valid and enforceable.In case of a default,the party holding the lien(called lienholder or lienor)generally does not except in the case of a special lien have an automatautomatic right to seize and sell the asset or property,but must obtain a foreclosure order after giving a reasonable notice to the debtor or obligor(called lienee).
